The Excellence of Execution

  • Forex is one of the most rewarding pursuits you can ever engage in.. you will need time to "feel your way" around in the early stages.
  • Determine what type of trader you are going to be and stick to that approach and your personality based method.
  • Allow time and human error to be a part of the process in the journey to Forex success.
  • It is less stressful when striving for realistic goals. You do not want to force a trade because you haven't made your quota in weekly pips.
  • It is a rookie mistake to be itching for some action in the market.
  • There is no one person that rides every major price swing.
  • If you aren't currently profitable, isn't making 20 pips a week better than what you are doing right now?
  • Slow down and allow yourself time to develop as a trader and learn to love patience and waiting for qualified setups based on your personal trading plan.
  • There is no way to find out if your trading plan is working if you do not do the same thing every day. You need to put your trading plan to the test.
  • One of the worst things a new trader can do is to abandon their trading plan too early.
  • The majority of new traders can not exercise the discipline to trade a method or approach 20 times in a row.
  • You want to consistently trade your edge and as long as you control risk and reduce trading to only qualified setups, you will do fine.
  • If you deviate from your plan, there is no plan.
  • If your plan is removed from your trading there is only emotional, reactive trading left versus objective, anticipatory trading.
  • The last trade you made being a loser can create anxiety and fear of taking the next setup to avoid being wrong and losing money.
  • The last trade has absolutely nothing to do with the next one. The players are different, the day is different, the volume is different, the price is different, etc.
  • Focus on studying PRICE
  • A simple system makes for less stressful trading, and consequently a less stressed and more profitable trader. Over thinking or over complicating the process of trading can damage your trading and increase your stress levels.
  • If you are in a trading train wreck, you need to stop the train wreck before it is too late and you turn yourself off to trading all together. It's important to identify habits that are destructive and turn it around, so you can give yourself a fair chance.
  • Trading more does not mean making more money or getting rich faster.
  • The majority of traders think they must be trading simply because they are sitting down at their charts. Their ego wants to take them to the bank.
  • Successful traders do not care about missed moves.
  • Limiting trades to only qualified setups, defined by a clear comprehensive trading model, will narrow your focus and as a result keep you from over trading.
  • The more often you trade, the higher the odds are that the next trade will be a losing trade.
  • Over trading is a sign and indication of your infancy in trading. There will always be new opportunities and new setups.
  • The trader that is in great health and psychologically fit will have a greater chance of success over the trader who is tired, angry, ill, or just out of balance.
  • If you are not 100% focused on the task of trading your plan, take a break.
  • How you feel mentally and physically has a direct impact on your reactions and behavior when trading.
  • You will never teach the market "a damn good lesson," it will leave you licking your wounds and a complimentary bruised ego to boot.
  • Know the days when you should not be trading.
  • Keeping a trade journal helps you stay organized and disciplined.
  • The average life of a trading account is about 3 months.
  • By keeping risk very small, you can still realize exponential returns on your capital.
  • Controlling your risk properly, you will be able to handle a string of consecutive losses and not have it devastate your account. You will have a string of losses, you can count on it. The question is, will you be able to handle it, both financially and emotionally?
  • Prepare yourself so that when you go into a trade, nothing bad will happen.